View of Mt. Baker from gulf isalnds, by Todd Carnahan

GIA video celebrates the Trust

New – Islands in Trust – film by GIA extols importance of protecting BC’s Gulf Islands

For Immediate Release, December 7, 2016

The Gulf Islands Alliance (GIA) is pleased to announce the premiere showing of its 13-minute film that celebrates the natural beauty of the Gulf Islands – Islands whose importance was recognized by the Islands Trust Act in the 1970s.

“The film, Islands in Trust, does what words can’t do – properly show off this incredible place, the best evidence for saving it,” Says GIA Chair Roxanna Mandryk.

“The Islands Trust Act of 1974 was created to prevent our islands from being overwhelmed by urban waves from the Vancouver and Victoria areas.  Like nothing else, the film shows what was at stake then, and still is today.  It reminds us that this legislated vision remains our best hope for saving the islands’ natural environment and keeping the islands a remarkable place to live and visit” concluded Mandryk.

GIA is indebted to all the folks who made this film possible as “this film was made mostly out of love by volunteers”.

Videographer Bill Warriner spent hundreds of hours traveling to the islands, filming, editing and overseeing the production of DVDs.  A retired social policy advisor and former London International Film School student, Bill is known for creating the You Tube channel Salt Spring Live.  A fan of the Trust mandate, Bill’s film-work aims at “building and strengthening our community.”

The film is narrated by Arthur Black, three-time winner of the Stephen Leacock award for Canadian humour.  Singer-songwriter Valdy – a member of the Order of Canada and Juno award winner – re-scored his popular Islander song for the film.

GIA was started 10 years ago to support the unique legislation and other initiatives that preserve and protect the Gulf Islands as a treasured environment.

For more information, contact GIA director Misty MacDuffee at 250 818-2136

For a free DVD of the film, contact Jean Gelwicks at