Global carbon dioxide emissions are increasing and contribute mightily to global warming and its dire consequences for humanity. Here, from the U.S. Department of Energy, is the emissions picture at a glance. (The bracketed figures are 1980 emissions, in million metric tons, and the unbracketed are 2004 emissions):
- North America (5,439.17) 6,886.88
- Central America, South America (623.36) 1,041.45
- Europe (4,657.92) 4,653.43
- Eurasia (3,027.53) 2,550.75
- Middle East (494.75) 1,319.70
- Africa (534.47) 986.55
- Asia, Australia (3,556.07) 9,604.81
- Total (18,333.26) 27,043.57
Here are some ways you can fight global warming:
Transportation– Buy a small vehicle that is fuel-efficient – Drive less – Drive 80 kph (55 mph) or less – Car pool – Keep your tires properly inflated – Walk or use a bike instead of driving – Fly less – Work from home when you can; telecommute when possible – Consolidate your errands – Use and advocate for mass transportation – Advocate for walking and biking pathways
Home energy use – Install a solar or ‘on demand’ hot water heater – Turn down the temperature on your hot water heater – Use the clothes dryer less – Hang clothes outside or on an inside drying rack – Insulate your house more fully – Ensure that your windows and doors have good weather-stripping – Reduce your water use, particularly hot water – Buy energy-efficient appliances – Use programmable thermostats to turn down the heat at night – Use energy-efficient light bulbs – Design and live in a small, energy-efficient home – Incorporate solar, wind or geothermal energy into your home – Ask your energy company to provide power from renewable sources
Food – Grow and produce your own food – Buy locally grown and produced food – Buy organic food – Avoid buying processed and packaged food – Modify your diet to include less red meat – Compost your garden waste – Use re-usable grocery bags
Political – Get involved with others working on climate change – Lobby for local, provincial and federal policies that reduce greenhouse gases – Encourage your school or business to reduce energy use and emissions – Invest in businesses that are part of the solution to climate change – Contribute funds to and support organizations and efforts working on climate change Overall
consumption – Have a smaller family – Consume less-ask if you really need it – Consider the total energy and transportation costs of your purchases – Buy second-hand – Rent, share, or borrow – Buy things that last – Buy things without excess packaging – Buy from climate-friendly companies – Recycle – Try not to waste paper – Carry your own cup or refillable bottle – Buy organic cotton clothes
Education – Talk with your friends and family about climate change – Read more about climate change – Write letters to the newspaper – Buy books about climate change for public and school libraries – Ensure that your schools are educating children about climate change – Re-read this list once in a while to remind yourself that you can be a part of the climate change solution in more than 50 ways